Bucko has done it again!

He has released and updated version of his Image BBS v3.0 On A Stick! with all the current program and feature updates for Image BBS v3.0 as of May 25th 2024.  He has 2 versions of this download available, one for Windows based machines and the other for Linux Debian based machines.

I can never express enough just how easy he has made this “BBS On A Stick!” so that anyone that is curious on running a Commodore Image BBS or for those that want to quickly revist the days of when they once ran one, it does not get any easier than this.  Bucko also includes a very detailed and easy to follow install guide with each of these releases.

If you have any questions, need a little help or just want to chat about Image BBS then head over to our Image BBS Software Forum where Bucko is always quick to respond to folks.

So why wait any longer, follow either one of these links to download your copy today!

BBS On A Stick! V2.2 (Windows)

BBS On A Stick! V2.2L (Linux)

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