This is really cool and amazing, and if you ever programed in Basic you can really appreciate what the Foenix Retro Systems F256K has allowed SuperBasic to do. This is a demo RPG that is used on the F256K to point out some of its features while running on its hardware at the same time, but what got me on this is it is all done in SuperBasic. After seeing this I went to their SuperBasic GitHub to download it so I could thumb through the programmer’s reference manual and I was pleasantly impressed with the features of their SuperBasic. The inline assembly alone is something I can see that has a lot of potential for Basic programs!

Here is a short video Stefany of Foenix Retro Systems made for us of the RPG demo done in SuperBasic and I will give you a heads up, there is no audio in this video.

For more information on the F256K computer head on over to Foenix Retro Systems.

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