* Check out our BBS Directory for this BBS and many others you can connect to today!!!! *

If you were BBSing in the 80’s and early 90’s and a Commodore user most likely you have been on an Image BBS system. Even still if you were not a Commodore user but maybe you had Apple or PC you still might have crossed paths with an Image BBS.  Image BBS was the successor to CNet 64 BBS with a colorful history that I will skip for now and leave that for another 8-Bit Boyz post in the future. Image BBS offered many cutting-edge features back then from color graphics to unlimited customization of the software to just list a couple.  I even upgraded my Commodore CNet 12 BBS software to Image 1.2a back in the very early 90s!

Image 1.2a was the last version of Image that was publicly sold to SysOp’s back then, 1.2a was a major bug fix to the previous version but this post is really not about the detailed history of Image BBS.  Instead this is more about the rumored Image 2.0 version that a few SysOp’s heard about that was being worked on by the creators yet never made it to light.

Or did it?

Al DeRosa, also known as Bucko (the SysOp of The Wrong Number ][ BBS 2.0) was one of the final programmers along with Fred Dart, and Jack Followay of Image 2.0.  Sometime around 1995/1996 Al’s Lt Kernal hard drive died and he gave up the project, Fred and Jack continued and brought in other programmers.  Now fast forward to 2015, Al was getting rid of all his older computer stuff and found backups of his Lt Kernal before it died and mentioned it to Larry Hedman, also known as X-Tec (the SysOp of Commodore Image 2.0 HQ BBS) who said he wanted them.  Larry figured if he could read the disks, he might be able to resurrect the 2.0 project, with the exception of a couple of files he was able to read all the disks even though they were sitting in Al’s garage for just about 17 or 18 years.

From around August/September of 2015 Larry did all the testing and got Image 2.0 to work with Telnet, at this time Al was still no longer involved with BBS’ anymore till May of 2018 when he returned to the seen.  Through the summer of 2018 Al researched on getting Image 2.0 compatible with WinVice and by October 13th 2018 he sat down with his plan and got Image compatible with WinVice in about 2 hours and accepting calls!

Try out Bucko & X-Tec Image 2.0 BBS’ … tell them 8-Bit Boyz sent ya! 
You can download SyncTerm (a BBS Terminal program to connect to a BBS) for your Windows, Mac or Linux machine from the SyncTerm Website here!

To connect to either of their BBS’ here is the Telnet info you will need in SyncTerm to reach them:

The Wrong Number ][ 2.0  – TELNET ADDRESS: wn2.duckdns.org  PORT: 6408
Commodore Image 2.0 HQ – TELNET ADDRESS: cib.dyndns.org  PORT: 6407

Along with these two Commodore BBS’ we also have other commodore BBS’ listed on our BBS DIRECTORY under the Commodore category.

Wrong Number ][ 2.0 - SysOp: Bucko

Wrong Number ][ 2.0 – SysOp: Bucko

Commodore Image 2.0 HQ - SysOp: X-Tec

Image 2.0 HQ – SysOp: X-Tec

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