* Image 3.0 has under gone many updates/fixes from it’s original release in 2020, follow the link below to the latest Image 3.0 build with all the latest fixes also.

Download the latest Image 3.0 installer here!
Size: 422.97 KB | File Format: ZIP | For use with: Image BBS v3.0


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Commodore SysOp’s have an early Christmas present today, Image BBS v3.0!  I have been able to play with this BBS for the past couple months and let me tell you, it feels very solid plus it offers  full 80 column support that is just amazing with both ANSI and Commodore Graphics mode.  Larry (X-Tec) and Al (Bucko) along with a few others have been hard at work to make this release available to us for the Holidays in true Image fashion, just like the old days!

In this download Bucko and X-Tec put together a very thorough manual to setup and configure your BBS, no matter your setup it covers real hardware along with VM software like VICE.

X-Tec has created some tutorial videos such as CMD HD Install and LT Kernal HD Install along with some others located on his youtube!

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