This was a United Federation of Pirates BBS back from the mid-late 1980s
You've heard of Area 51. Well...
Use u/p area52/area52 for dialup!
The Basement BBS was originally online from 1986 through 1998. The BBS was run on an Atari 800XL. On July 4, 2017, the Basement BBS returned online via telnet. The version that you can now telnet to was pieced together with backup floppy disks from 1990 through 1993.
The BBS includes restored messages/message bases from 1990 through 1993, some restored file sections, 21 online games, and lots of customization.
For best results, log in with an Atari 8-bit or a telnet client that supports ATASCII (Atari Mode). One such client is Syncterm. Syncterm is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS/X, etc. You can download Syncterm here.
The Basement's telnet address is: port 9000 (IP Address: port 9000).
If you rather not use a telnet client, then you can log in using a web client available at:
Online since January 1984, (with minor deviations), the Boot Factory has been running in Richmond VA for years... first as an Atari 8-bit BBS (1984-88), next as a PC BBS running in Fidonet (from 1988-1996) and then back on an Atari 8-bit emulator (since 1999). We were an original beta tester for BBS:Express v1.0 back in 1986. Also home of the original 'BBS on a stick' back in 2008 with 2 different released stick systems; BBS:Express v1.0 and Carina v2.7... both Atari 8-bit systems running on the a800win emulator on a PC.
Restored and brought back to use the 1986 AMIS from MACE. The BBS has been upgraded but retains it retro feel and historical preservation of the AMIS legacy. Part of the Southern Amis projects this bbs is the home of Fuji Amis specially restored to work with the FujiNet device and shareware for the community
This is a real departure from the usual Atari BBS and contains great features especially in the message bases with find and replace editing, “what” feature for reading reply source message and grouping, database improvements for stability, and low maintenance. Atascii / SyncTerm Atari Screen Mode - Restoration by The Southern Amis Projects. Former Atari Corporate BBS
Atari BBS
The Part-Time BBS was the longest running Atari 8 bit BBS in the 216 Cleveland Ohio area code. It was originally online from 1985 to early 2000.
On December 23, 2017, Part-Time returned online via telnet. The version that you can now telnet to was pieced together with backup floppy disks from 1990.
The BBS includes restored messages/message bases from 1988 through 1990, some restored file sections, and online games.
For best results, log in with an Atari 8-bit or a telnet client that supports ATASCII (Atari Mode). One such client is Syncterm. Syncterm is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS/X, etc. You can download Syncterm here.
Part-Time's telnet address is: port 8000 (IP Address: port 8000).
Legegcy BBS to the Circa 1984 NY, NY BBS Southern Comfort running Southern AMIS
Atari BBS. Been running since 1987