The past month there have been a lot of things happening at 8-Bit Boyz that are not of the retro variety.  Back on October 4th, my personal Facebook account was compromised and from what little I have been told, the party that got in posted 4 hate speech comments.  In turn, Facebook quickly disabled my personal account with which I filed a dispute, and a week later they permanently disabled my account.  This might explain to some on Facebook as to why I seemed to have dropped off the planet.  For personal use and business use, this is a very unhappy and big inconvenience.  For 8-Bit Boyz that means our Facebook page (\the8bitboyz) is now lost, as my account was the only admin on that page and no one else, including myself, has access to it now.  So, it will float out there and stop in time indefinitely.

So that is the ugly part. However, I have created a new Facebook page for 8-Bit Boyz with multiple admins this time. Though it is not public yet and until I can get a personal account again on Facebook, I am just putting that on the back burner, I think.  See, I tried to create a new account on Facebook to replace my disabled one and their “digital finger print” caught on it was me and disabled my new account too.  Due to all this, I am going to take a little break from Facebook and let the dust settle before trying again.  If and when we activate our new Facebook page for 8-Bit Boyz you can trust I will let it be known to all!

All this has made me refocus on the core of 8-Bit Boyz, as when I started 8-Bit Boyz years ago my goal was to keep the website the core source of 8-Bit Boyz and use social media as the tool to get the word out.  Well, the reverse almost happened over that past year or so, because our Facebook page was growing so fast, in fact it was at 8,700+ users when I got locked out.  Now I think it is time to get back to more of that plan with a better balance of equal resources to both social media and the website. In fact, please follow us on our Twitter page and YouTube channel if you’re not already as one thing that is for sure, those pages and our website combined do help to grow and offer more to our community, while you’re at it also subscribe to our website over on the top right to receive notification of new content!

As you might have noticed, our website has a little bit of a new look. This is also something that was started back about 6 months ago but was dragged out due to my distracted focus.  Well, now the new look is in effect and what you see now is just the start.  I am also working more on the downloads section to make it a more diverse resource for manuals, utilities, drivers and fun programs like our screen savers and games in the future.  Some might say just use the internet archive, but again, the point of is to be a small source of not just information and retro adventures, but also a tool that can offer resources without the reliance on services that can shut down in the middle of the day.

I will wrap up this update here, as if you know me by now you know I could keep going on and on! Ha-ha

I just wanted to let all you great folks know what is going on and help give you some idea of what my plan is for the current time while also sharing my adventures in retro computing.  Again, thank you for being such great friends and if you have anything you would like to contribute, be it old manuals, files or ideas for the website, please reach out to us through our contact us page!

Pssst, don’t forget to subscribe to our website over on the top right along with following us on YouTube and Twitter! 😉

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