There are times where you just feel like some where a deal is waiting for you to find it and the other day while going to a store to pick up some supplies for the workbench I thought ‘maybe after I’m done I will see if there is anything tech at the Goodwill over there’. So, what do you know that deal that was waiting to be picked up so happened to be in the back of the Goodwill, a Thrustmaster Top Gun flight stick. Now I know it is not the top of the line flight stick but I also know and verified right there with the usual re-seller spots that this very stick was selling for $50 still on Amazon. Goodwill was only asking $5.99! The cords were in perfect condition and there were no scratches or physical flaws on the flight stick plus all the extra parts were attached to it in a plastic bag. Once I got it home I plugged it in to test that all stick/throttle functions were working along with every trigger and button. Every function was working, SCORE!
So next time you see a thrift shop that takes in all types of items to re-sell, you might just want to take a moment to see what is there that day!