Back on June 1st 1993, The Wrong Number ][ BBS ceased operations running Image BBS v1.2. Several months later, it was revived running Excelsior! BBS for the Amiga, and eventually WildCat v5 on a PC, then back to Image 2.0 in 1996. Back in 2015 when I was moving I sent Larry Hedman (X-Tec) my backups from both my 2.0 and 1.2 systems. Larry cobbled together my 2.0 and my 1.2 and put both of them online for users to login to. Recently it was upgraded to v3.0. Last week, I started playing with 1.2 with Vice trying to find an issue with DCD which kept the network from hanging up, I was able to get it to work properly and at that point started playing with 1.2 again. I have since restored my backups from 1993 on a Vice/Lt Kernal setup. I have restarted the user list and Subs but the rest is as it was back on June 1st. So.... Effective June 1st, Wrong Number ][ Retro 93 will come back online. After that I am working on a Museum type of thing if I can get Image 1.0 and Image 1.1 to run, those will also come online some time after 1.2 in addition to a 2.0 instance..... So that is where I am right now.. Who knows what is going to happen from here..
Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)