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Problem with uploading files to BBS in Vice emulator

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Estimable Member Moderator


Just did some testing on my system which is a SCPU CMD HD setup. Xmodem CRC uploaded and downloaded with no issues.. Punter the same. I didn't check any other XModems. I used both Syncterm and Striketerm 2014 with flow control set to software. One thing I will say is if you are using a SCPU make sure the left side of SCP on the lightbar is checkmarked as that turns off the SCPU during transfers. I have attached a copy of just the modified WinVice here try this version and see what happens...

Rename it .zip instead of .txt


This post was modified 4 weeks ago 3 times by Bucko

Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 03/06/2024 10:02 am
Trusted Member

It doesn't matter whether I use the official build or the one you linked.
The same on CCGMS and on Striketerm (on Striketerm it's even worse because it sometimes distorts the displayed pages).
It doesn't matter whether I use tcpser/cygwin 1.6beta or the 1.5beta from BBSonStick2.0.
All blocks are BAD every time.

What I noticed a long time ago:
When I set loglevel in tcpser to -l 7 -tsSiI (full log)
Tcpser synchronizes better (??) with Vice (probably because tcpser it runs slower??) and a file of 120 blocks is uploaded successfully, although 50% of the blocks are BAD. (38400 baud)

When I set loglev, e.g. -l 4 (or disable tcpser log) there is no chance to upload the file to the server at 38400. (100% BAD blocks)

And it works every time, it's not accidental. I checked it again just now

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2024 2:54 am
Trusted Member

*I meant the tcpser 1.5beta from latest one, BBSonStick2.2

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2024 3:05 am
Trusted Member

Frequent testing is tiring,
I once even created a quick environment for myself to run test-bbs and ccgms on one machine with scripts.
This is what upload 38400 looks like with -l SsIi (full tcpser loglevel)
.mkv video file 76MB recorded in OBS

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2024 3:45 am
Estimable Member Moderator

I am at a complete loss here. What ccgms are you using? I will grab a copy and give it a try also.. The thing with Striketerm is you have to be using Software flow control not hardware or any other option.. I had the same screens getting screwed up etc. Once I went to software flow control all that cleared up..

Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 04/06/2024 6:35 am
Trusted Member

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2024 7:20 am
Estimable Member Moderator

@radius75 Got the file, will test tonight when I am home...

Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 04/06/2024 9:15 am
Estimable Member Moderator

I just tested using the CCGMS you are using.. Both up and down worked fine and 3 different files.. 1 of a couple of things is happening right now:


1) You are using SCPU mode without having the checkmark on the left side of the ltbar on SCP. 

2) Your ++ xmodem and ++ punter (if that is not working also) are corrupt or on the wrong drive. They need to be on 8,0 which is where we normally put the i files and ++ files.

3) Something is mis-configured somewhere..


Off the top of my head those are the only options that can be wrong. I am leaning more towards 1 or 2. Also I used the CCGMS but turned off SCPU mode on the Vice setup I tested with. I know CCGMS has a SCPU mode but I turned it off anyway. Let me know how you make out..

Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 04/06/2024 2:28 pm
Trusted Member

1- I have SCP marked on the left
2- I only use CMDHD emulation, there are required ++ files on the Program Disk partition. I reinstalled them from MASTER D1 231231 and it didn't help. Partition structure:

vice screen 2024060509133864


Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2024 1:15 am
Trusted Member

Works! Uploads without errors 38400!
Thanks for the suggestion about corrupt files.
First, I reinstalled all the files on System Disk and it didn't help.
Well, I reinstalled the "e" and "today" files on Etcetera Disk.
And it helped. I used .d81 images from USbOnStick2.2
The upload works on the official latest Vice release and on tcpser 1.1.6.beta.

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2024 11:09 am
Shane - "PalKat"
Estimable Member Admin

Posted by: @radius75

Works! Uploads without errors 38400!
Thanks for the suggestion about corrupt files.
First, I reinstalled all the files on System Disk and it didn't help.
Well, I reinstalled the "e" and "today" files on Etcetera Disk.
And it helped. I used .d81 images from USbOnStick2.2
The upload works on the official latest Vice release and on tcpser 1.1.6.beta.

Glad to hear you got this working!!!

Thanks for helping him @Bucko !


The Kats Alley BBS -=[ ]=- ....Running Image 3.0 for the C64
8-Bit Boyz BBS -=[ ]=- ....Running Mystic on Windows
WEB -=[ ]=-

Posted : 05/06/2024 1:29 pm
Trusted Member

Awesome, Punter and XmodemCRC works flawlessly on 38400 uploads, both with ccgms in Vice and on real c64 with Swiftlink/Ulitmate2+
It doesn't matter if SCP is marked on the left.

But I think I messed something up.
I can't log in via Handle (older users) only with the user ID number.
But the new user can log in via Handle.
Any option or corrupt file?

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2024 2:23 pm
Estimable Member Moderator

Posted by: @radius75

Awesome, Punter and XmodemCRC works flawlessly on 38400 uploads, both with ccgms in Vice and on real c64 with Swiftlink/Ulitmate2+
It doesn't matter if SCP is marked on the left.

But I think I messed something up.
I can't log in via Handle (older users) only with the user ID number.
But the new user can log in via Handle.
Any option or corrupt file?


Outstanding news!! Hmm I would check in IM option I Misc Features, make sure you have a System ID set in J. If not handles will not work,  if that isn't it then go into option N in IM Base Editors and run Alpha/Ind Option E in that you will hit 2 load 1 clear 8 make then 6 save.. I don't think you will have to do that as it most likely is the system ID option..


Let us know how you make out...




Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 05/06/2024 4:08 pm
Trusted Member

The ID was set all the time
The clean/make option in Alpha/Ind helped.
Thanks @bucko

Topic starter Posted : 06/06/2024 2:05 am
Estimable Member Moderator

Posted by: @radius75

The ID was set all the time
The clean/make option in Alpha/Ind helped.
Thanks @bucko


Glad to hear that.. 🙂


Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Wrong Number ][ BBS - (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)

Posted : 06/06/2024 5:04 pm
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