- MysticRenegade
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Old School, with a touch of today. Over 240 Doors via game servers. fsxNet, CommodoreNet, RetroNet, FidoNet, CombatNet Games and Message bases, doREnet. New in-house Game Server being added which will hold many registered games, Old School File Base with many older Shareware CD’s.
The original Wrong Number ][ BBS as run from 1986 till 1993, this BBS is the final incarnation of the Image BBS I ran until June 1st 1993. With the exception of the Subs and user list EVERYTHING else is exactly the same as it was when the BBS Went down in 1993. This is the original and run by the ORIGINAL sysOp!
The 3rd board of the Wrong Number Family of BBS'. Running C-Net Amiga on a Emulated A4000. File Library has many hard to find Commodore files from the late 80's to early 90's..
Wrong Number IV the 4th part of the Wrong Number Family of BBS' Running Image BBS 3.0 with some unique modifications, and more get added daily. NISSA Network node, Image BBS Programmers Site. Come by check us out and see where Image BBS has been and will be going in the future!
The X-Bit BBS is back on-line with a primairy focus on door games (325+), message networks, fun sci-fi & medieval ansi graphics and a file base that's helpful to other sysops. Helping to bring back the retro in 2020+ and a break from $SM$ 🙂
Just some books and documents to share in the files section...
13th Leader is a reboot of an 8-bit Atari 800 XL BBS from back in the late 1980’s! Originally hosted out of Hamilton Ontario Canada! Back in the 80’s we ran on 8-bit “Home Grown” BBS software and 2 5-1/4″ floppy drives. Still hosted in Southern Ontario but now running Mystic BBS.
New users are always welcome!
$ telnet 8023 * Atari Discussion, Atari Tech Information, Games and much more!
Goto for more info and other Atari content and downloads!
Hobby BBS with various message areas, chat, and door games.
DOVE-Net HobbyNet tqwNet MusicalNet
DeveloperNet fsxNet MicroNet
FidoNet PiNet Commodore Net
RetroNet WeedNet SpookNet 35
Usenet Newsgroups
Game servers:
Game Portal
Goldmine BBS Door Server
Black Country Rock Games (BCRGAMES) BBSLink
IRC chat, MRC, Inter-BBS, Node Chat
We have an awesome file area, door games and more
Tons of locally hosted Falls more added each day!
BBS running on original TRS-80 Model 1 hardware using TBBS version 1.3 software.
Synchronet BBS front-end focused on gaming. Tradewars Game Server, and MajorBBS system are available as doors.
Interlink bbs doors fido and dove nets
UORealms BBS focuses on gaming, having over forty games consisting of WorldGroup games and BBS door games. In addition to BBS games, UORealms also have Ultima Online game servers, a VRising game server, and hosts live Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.
With over 45+ classic games, and connected to the Majorlink teleconference network UORealms has legendary titles like MajorMUD, where you navigate a world filled with monsters, dragons, and thieves while embarking on heroic quests. Experience the interstellar excitement of TradeWars, engage in the intricate puzzles and mysteries of Infinity Complex, and dive into the magical realm of Kyrandia. Expand your empire in Galactic Empire, protect the realm in Rose Council of Guardians, rise to power in Usurper, or become a legend in the Land of Devastation with LORD I and II.
Coming Soon: The entire INFOCOM game catalogue, featuring legendary titles like Zork, Planetfall, and more!
Join us to experience the roots of online multiplayer gaming. Start your journey with our BBS games today and uncover the charm of retro gaming culture!