- MysticRenegade
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The BBS is the same as it was in 1992 when it first started. We have the original user database, the same conferences and file areas. This is a nostalgic hyper-trip! Connect today and enter a time capsule. Original users will be happy to see their old messages and friends again. We'er are also the organisers of Nordic Bulletin Board Association. You can find us on Facebook at and on ABBS-Support at Discord
NEW: We just opened up our first DialUp node again. It is the same number as in the 90's 🙂
A Color64 BBS running on a true Commodore 64 Breadbin
Yankee Trader Game Server, TradeWars Game Server, dozens or other registered doors, some unique / rare. No personal information at new user sign-up, just alias / PW / Location (needed for drop file compliance for certain doors, you can lie).
Legegcy BBS to the Circa 1984 NY, NY BBS Southern Comfort running Southern AMIS
Server and contents written from scratch to see if I could. Constantly working on new features so content will be constantly evolving.
Several “homebrew” games and engines are featured. I intend to develop these further.
Tested in:
Telix for Win3x
Striketerm for C64
ConnectBot for Android
Feel free to poke around and leave comments.
Remember, it’s just for fun!
Star Collision BBS was a RemoteAccess BBS founded in the summer of 1993, mainly focusing on text files, DOS utilities and FidoNet echomail conferences.
The BBS was re-opened on August 3, 2019, now using Mystic BBS. It will focus on echomail conferences and file echos for the time being, with more to come in the future.
Sci-fi and fantasy bbs. Over 200 doors and 10 message networks.
A new BBS offering space themed door games including TWGS and more.
StarDoc 134 has been updated and online.
WWIV On Linux running latests development for testing
10 Nodes, telnet, and Web Interface
WWIVnet, Doors, and fun
Running Lord Native under Linux
Atari BBS. Been running since 1987
Strange Planet is pure nostalgia from 90’s. Amiga BBS running on Cnet 3.05D with custom Amiga ascii. We have active file base with the latest releases as well Oldskool Warez Archive with thousands of files from legendary boards such Boondocs, Cement City.
It is on C64/JiffyDos, CMD HD, Ultimate 1541-II+
A resurrected board from around 2017, Terminal Underground strives to become a home for those who are interested in Retro Computing/Consoles, Psychedelic music, Radio, and bits of of random but interesting information.
Forums, file transfers. GBBS Pro.
Based in Dunedin, New Zealand this BBS is a reincarnation of a system that operated from Hamilton, New Zealand around 1993-1995.
Back in 1995 Agency BBS used Renegade BBS software and was a member of several message networks including RGSNet, FidoNet, DemiMonde and LocNet.
These days the BBS runs using Mystic BBS software and is active in the fsxNet message network. Mystic is cool software that is still actively under development. The sysop (Avon) is happy to help new users set this software up for themselves should they be interested.
Agency BBS aims to cater for users worldwide who would like to experience and enjoy a bit of retro ‘old school’ technology that’s still alive and well in today’s Internet / website / email etc. dominated world.