Every Saturday night at 8pm EST There is a jitsi meet (video conference) for BBS talk. If you run a BBS or are a user of them, you are welcome to come and chat or talk if you have a mic and cam. Camera Shy? Just come ot chat in the chat window, I keep it open and will say into the room whatever you type.. One of these nights, I am thinking about giving a demo of my Mystic BBS and all of the things you can do on it. In addition to that, showing some of the changes I have made to it and give you all a behind the scenes of some upcoming mods I will be making to the system. Stop by Saturday night.
Wrong Number Family of BBS'
Website: www.wrgnbr.com
Wrong Number ][ BBS - wn2.wrgnbr.com:23 (Mystic BBS)
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS - wn3.wrgnbr.com:6400 (CNet Amiga BBS)
Wrong Number IV BBS - wn4.wrgnbr.com:3000 (Image BBS v3.0)
Wrong Number VI BBS - wn6.wrgnbr.com:6411 (ORIGINAL Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS)
Bucko's Den BBS - bdn.wrgnbr.com:6428 (One of only two known C-Net 128 Boards!!)
The Time Warp BBS - twb.wrgnbr.com:6896 (Centipede 128 Dual Line BBS)